I think this is important because if a young deaf/hard of hearing student has difficulty learning, what will their view of learning become? I also disagree with the fact that the article suggests the use of MCE (manually coded English). Manually coded English is similar to ASL but follows the grammatical structure of English. While ASL has its own grammatical configuration. I believe a Deaf/TAILED teacher is the best opportunity for students. Young deaf students should be taught by deaf/CODA teachers because ASL is most likely the students' first language. As a result, ASL would be the easiest way to learn English. From the perspective of a deaf person, “I had difficulty learning English, I had both a deaf teacher and a hearing teacher. I learned English easier from the deaf teacher” (S. White, personal communication, 16 February 2016).Also, young deaf students should be taught by deaf teachers because deaf/CODAs are good language models. Language models are important because who else would be a good role model for ASL? with you why deaf/CODA teachers are important for the education of deaf/hard of hearing youth.